Lazy Socializer

1 min readFeb 23, 2021

Do have that one friend you’ve been meaning to call but just haven’t yet? Or have any of you ever had to decide between a night in and a night out, and you just pick the night in cause you’re lazy?

Welcome to the “lazy socializer” club.

Credit to Sergio Souza from Pexels

It’s the club for people like you and me. You know, the kind that would rather just not call our friends and, instead, stay inside. Now those of you that can’t relate, it’s not that we are unsociable, awkward, or scared of social situations. We’re just a bit lazy… Scratch that, VERY lazy.

Okay, it may be that it’s just me, but everyone’s had at least one day like that.

It’s not bad, we just need some time to decompress, us lazy socializers. Or a lot…

So, get your favorite pajamas and order some post-mates because tonight we’re just going to be the best lazy versions of ourselves!

And tomorrow, or the week after, call that friend of yours, will you. They’re probably just being a lazy socializer too!




Teenage dog owner here, I love life, being productive, making money, and making horrible food my sweet parents are forced to eat with a straight face!